AZARATH “Saint Desecration”


“Saint Desecration” is a new extreme illumination revealed by Azarath at the altar of blackened death metal.
Unrepentant and provocative to the core, the album is set to astound the connoisseurs of sonic terror.

Azarath crept from the shadows over two decades ago and is often described as a demonic mutation of Krisiun,
Behemoth and Immolation. Co-founded by sole original member & drummer Inferno (of Behemoth fame), the group comprises long-running guitarist Bart (Damnation, Armagedon), long-time bassist Peter (ex-Lost Soul) and new vocalist Skullripper (Embrional).

Country: Poland
Label: Agonia Records
Year: 2020
Genre: Death/Black Metal

1. Death-at-Will
2. Sancta Dei Meretrix
3. Let them Burn…
4. Fall of the Blessed
5. No Salvation
6. Profanation
7. Reigning over the Death
8. Life Is Death, Death Is Life
9. Inflicting Blasphemy upon the Heavens
10. Beyond the Gates of Burning Ghats

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