SIAX “Inquisition”
SIAX is death/thrash metal band formed in 1991 in České Budějovice located in the south bohemian region of the present-day Czech Republic.
Their first album “Inquisition” was released in 1994. This is known among Eastern European thrash metal fans as a masterpiece of dark and evil death/thrash metal that symbolizes the Czech underground scene.
This reissue was added 10 bonus tracks which “In Brain No” Demo and unreleased rare tracks!
Country: Czechia
Label: Darker than Darkness Records
Year: 2023
Genre: Death Metal
1. Inquisition (Inkvizice)
2. Malleus Maleficarum (Kladivo na čarodějnice)
3. Our God Is Judas (Náš bůh je Jidáš)
4. Die / Massacre (Zemři / Masakr)
5. Not in Mind (V mozku ne)
6. Mortal Illusion (Smrtelná iluze)
7. Fist of Pestilence (Morová pěst)
8. Decay (Hniloba)
9. Arms / P.S.A.M.A.D.T. (Náručí)
10. Necrosadus 04:49
11. Chromatic Alcoholism (Chromatický alkoholismus)
12. Biological Time-Bomb
13. Fist of Pestilence
14. In Brain No
15. Malleus Malefcarum
16. Mortal Illusion
17. Mr. Death
18. War Dragon
19. Life Is Stress
20. Necrosadus (reh. version)
21. Chromatic Alcoholism (reh. version)
You may listen HERE
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