INFERNAL WAR “Conflagrator” [digipak]


“Infernal War has been a band that has gotten better and better with every release. This is no exception. This is a highly abrasive release, to say the least. It starts with an ambient intro for about a minute into the first song, and then never lets up in its brutality until the last second of the last song. It amazes me how they can keep the misanthropic abrasiveness throughout every release, and, moreover, keep it fresh sounding. On the surface, it may sound like more of the same. After a few listens, however, try and say that with a straight face. This should stay in any black metal fan’s list for years to come”.

Country: Poland
Label: Agonia Records
Year: 2009
Genre: Black Metal

1. Spears of Negation
2. Of Nihilistic Contentment
3. Blazing Impious Adoration
4. The Holy Fall
5. The Purifier

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